Friends of Dee Why Lagoon
4/29 Hawkesbury Avenue, Dee Why NSW, Australia 2099
Formed in 1980, the Friends of Dee Why Lagoon are dedicated to the conservation and rehabilitation of the Lagoon waterbody and the surrounding Wildlife Refuge.
As well as promoting the value of preserving the Lagoon in its natural state, the Friends work actively in bush re-generation via a weekly group (Thursday 7 - 9am).
If you would like to become a member in any capacity, please email us.
Current issue(s)
Inadequate control of sediment flow to the Lagoon from building sites in the Dee Why Town Centre.
Plastic pollution via stormwater drains.
Click on the image above to download a copy of “Why Dee Why?”
Black swans on the Lagoon (Suse Schultz)